May 27, 2008

Greatest News Possible

Oh heck yes! This might sway my vote. But I have to be very careful, I'm not sure I can say it without offending anyone. Can I say Fidel Castro? Shh! I'm keeping it on the very down low here. I'm hip to the new can't-say-the-middle-name-it's-Hussein-can't-say-the-first-name-it-sounds-like-Iraq-can't-say-the-last-name-sounds-like-Osama-can't-say-black-I'm-not-black-can't-say-Michelle-she's-off-limits-but-she-can-talk-if-she-wants-to-can't-talk-about-historical-facts-it-could-be-offensive. So I'm not sure I can say Fidel...but I just heard he's hitting the pavement for Barack. He's says he's the 'most advanced candidate'. But I'm not sure I can say that, so I'm going to stop with that.

PS--If Bill was playing this correctly, he'll push for the VP. I see lots of stogies in his future, I really really do! But if you took that to be offensive in any way, I didn't mean it to be. I like stogies, I think stogies are good. I think a pack of Marlboro Ultra Light 100s sounds pretty good about now too....I'm wavering on that. But stogies are great and I would NEVER say anything offensive about a stogie. Especially a stogie. Never.


Mom Knows Everything said...

I'm Canadian so I don't really know what's going on with the election down there, but that's an unusual picture with Superman.

Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

I'm thinking Al-Quaeda and the Saudi government need to put out a political endorsement so that I know who NOT to vote for. Needing some help here.

Jim and Jami said...

You are a hoot! I think that he lacks a bit in the Superman department.....

And about Bill and the VP position, he checked into the laws according to being VP when Hil first announced she was running, and by law he can not hold that position with his wife.....(she and David Letterman were talking about it on Letterman's show one night.)

Anonymous said...

You're nuts - you really are. So you're really going to vote for a 73 yr old man to lead the country? OooooooK! LOL

Stacey said...

Awww yes I'm nuts. But this is what I'm talking about...what if I said "you're going to vote for a woman to lead the country?" or "you're going to vote for a black man to lead the country?"! If I said that, I'd be wrong. Why doesn't this rub both ways? It's a discussion worth having...ageism..not different than race, gender, weight, hair color. It's a discussion we need to have.

Stacey said...

Left out this--love ya back. And I hope you vote for the person who has the policies YOU'd like to see implemented, nothing more, nothing less.

Kari (GrannySkywalker) said...

I came over from my Aunt Sandi's blog (holding patterns) where you'd left a comment. I've been reading a few posts and you're killing me! lol I'm especially fond of the
"I'm hip to the new can't-say-the-middle-name-it's-Hussein-can't-say-the-first-name-it-sounds-like-Iraq-can't-say-the-last-name-sounds-like-Osama-can't-say-black-I'm-not-black-can't-say-Michelle-she's-off-limits-but-she-can-talk-if-she-wants-to-can't-talk-about-historical-facts-it-could-be-offensive"
quote. Funny, funny stuff. Hey, didn't you know it's not fashionable to knock Barack these days? I mean geez, I've been watching the morning news shows and they've all but declared him not just the next president but also - well, you already know this, obviously - but the next SUPERMAN, too. Who'd a thunk a first term senator could be so flippin' all powerful and wonderful, eh? lol


Kari (GrannySkywalker) said...

By the way, I completely agree with your comments to IS a discussion worth having. I mean that. I would love to know WHY people are voting the way they are. I want to hear their reasoning - not to mock it, but to, hopefully, understand it.
