Dec 1, 2007

I'm Ready For Change

That's what the subject line in my inbox read, anyway. And I open it and see it's from Barbra Streisand! She likes me a lot, I know because she emailed me about her change...I'm not sure I can support this, but I can try and talk her out of it. Don't do it, Barbra, noooooo!

Reading it has confused me a little. I realize she doesn't mean 'the' change. And so then I'm confused again. I think maybe she's running and I think "I'll be a pickle on a fishing line...I didn't know that!" But I continue and I see that aha...she just confused me, she's not running, she's not the democrats, when she said "I want to beat the Republicans....and I have never wanted to win so badly.." she probably didn't mean that literally. Babs? Right?

And given that everyone gets confused here and again, I'll give it to her. Like Courtney Love. I remember when she said this: I don't mean to be a diva, but some days you wake up and you're Barbra Streisand.

Totally, Courtney.

I mean, just the other day I woke up and I was Billy Graham. Life's like that. So if Babs says she wants to win, she just woke up that day and was the democratic candidate for President.

I feel her sincerity, and I don't judge that. I'm all over following what you believe in and misguided or not, Babs believes in hanging onto Bill standing with Hillary. You're cool with this, Hillary, right?

Below is the letter she wrote ME in its entirety. Making history is what it's all about, after all, and she included me. I think it's clear she likes my style. I didn't know I help Hillary make history, but you know, it's the humbles ones are always the last to learn.

Dear Stacey,

I want to beat the Republicans in 2008. I'm like you -- I'm ready for change. In all the time I have worked to help elect Democrats, I have never wanted to win an election as badly as this one.

I want a president who is principled, strong, and ready to lead from day one. That's why I'm joining Hillary's campaign -- because I think she has what it takes to beat the Republicans and to be a great president.

Although I'm proud to help her make history, I'm not supporting Hillary only because she's a woman. I'm supporting her because she's the most experienced candidate and will give us the leadership we need to move our country forward again. I know you feel as strongly as I do about winning in 2008 because you've been with Hillary every step of the way. She is relying on you to help her win. I want to join her in thanking you for everything you are doing to help Hillary make history. I am so proud to do everything I can to help her too.

Sincerely,Barbra Streisand


Katie said...

Well my husband like Babs's shirt!

Maddy said...

I can see how that might be misconstrued!

Misty DawnS said...

Ummmm 'scuse me Stacey - you really did say all kinds of interesting things in this post... but I'm stuck on one part and just can't get past it...
"I'll be a pickle on a fishing line..."?????? Say huh? Oh, you are so wonderfully priceless!

Jim and Jami said...

I guess Barbra really did like the way Hillary ran the White House last time Hillary was President, I mean First Lady, I mean supported her husband Bill in the.....oh whatever......

Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

Ugh, what on earth happened to her breasts?? I didn't need to see that... I *was* eating dinner...

Yeah, that would be an interesting "cast of characters" on the White House stage if Clinton gets elected.

Mrs. C

Memarie Lane said...

Yeah, like a boob job. I have an excuse, I nursed two babies, and I'm poor. You kind of expect someone rich and famous to get a lift, or at least buy a good bra.

When I met Courtney Love the only coherent thing she said had to do with Barbie shoes and a colonic.

Katja said...

Oh my, Hillary is relying you to win..? You are one powerful lady Stacey!

That's so cool that Barbara wrote you!


Terence Chang said...

Well.. I am never a fan of barbar!

All I hear from her is bra bra bra ...

Oops! I meant to say Blah blah blah!


Girl Gone Wild - BibleStyle said...

Sounds like BarBRA needs to take care of her own support issues before tackling support for someone else! do you think Bill did BarBRA too????

(Sidenote...quit cleaning! I can't see as well with my glasses so I won't even notice...Ok, I'm officially nervous.)

Stacey said...

Kathleen, tell me hubby doesn't like what's under that shirt, right?

Terence, Gi, great play on words, you two! I think I'll send her a bra bra bra!

Anonymous said...

I'll say this in the most tactful way...babs needs some support in her upper torso--they look squished!!

Love this post, Stacey.

FAQ said...

ok, someone needs to tell Barb about the 18 hour bra-or something!!!