Jun 4, 2008

Yeah...What IS a Boo? I Want In On This...

It's got me booofuddled, not gonna lie....I've gotten dozens of hits of late from all over the country, and the Google search is "what's a boo?". And, of course, my post about of cat, Boo, who died after getting into the lily plant, comes up. The title? What's a Boo Worth?

And something tells me my new friends aren't coming by because they really want to know what a Boo is worth...(priceless, he was priceless). So why? I'd be very indebted to you if you took a second and told me what's the hoolaboo all about...because I really need to know what a boo is too!

Here's my definition of a Boo:
Miss him terribly. So...now that you know what a Boo is, talk to me!! What's the boo-rush all about?

**Cody made it to GA just fine...I got an entire thirty seconds of catch up from him today. I think he misses me so much he can't even verbalize it. It's just too hard, so he 'feigns' that he's having fun and has to get going.

Alex had a swim meet tonight (those wear me out!) and did such a good job! He bumped his little baby head on the edge because he was cruising so quickly on the backstroke..he really needs to learn to count when he sees the flags. So he didn't finish that race (it was a 50). I'm off to bed now, I have to get team donuts for the morning practice. AND I have a perm tomorrow with the lovely niece. Root perm? Maybe...what goes best with leather, JenGi, Cinderella and the county fair? Oh there's a story there, you know there is.


Shana said...

Ouch! Hope his little head is OK. Caleb got drilled in the face with a ball the other night during warm ups. I don't like the idea of him playing football because I don't want him hurt. But now I have to add baseball and swimming to "contact" sports...lol!!!

And keep us updated on the 'what is a boo?' :o)

Anonymous said...

LOL Of course he misses you - but it's SOOOoooooo uncool to let you know that LOL

Mom Knows Everything said...

I wanna hear that story!!! Come on, don't keep me waiting!!!

Anonymous said...

I have no idea what those people are searching for. Although, now I really want to find out!

Anonymous said...

Oops, that last anonymous comment was from me. Sorry! I hit the wrong button.

D... said...

How did the perm work out?

Can't help you out with the blog search. I did go to school with a girl whose nickname is Boo. No, that doesn't help.

I'm glad Cody made it safely and I hope Alex's next meet goes better for him!

P.S. Big D is really tall. He's 6'1" to my 5'.

Christy said...

Cats are so much better than dogs... but they are always the bad guys in movies that involve both species. I think it's a conspiracy.

Kim said...

Don't know what the search is all about but your Boo was just wonderful!!!

I'm sure that Cody misses you and that he was just at a loss for words. :)

Glad to hear that Alex did such a great job at his meet. Sorry to hear that he bumped his head. Counting really does work.

Perm??? Do tell how it came out.

jennyonthespot said...

I am not EXACTLY sure what a "Boo" is, but I believe it is often used in hip-hop lyrics in reference to... a woman? something hot? a term of hip-hop endearment?

I have heard it used in the song, "Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me"... I am ashamed of myself for having ANY clue!... Anyway, The guy says something about having a party up in a "Boo"... Now that I write it I think I am gagging about the possibilities. I think in another song, I can't remember exactly... the singer is referring to a Lady...

That's all I got. I am so embarrassed.