Apr 6, 2008

I joined Nablopomo this month figuring it'll be a cinch to come up with things to say. And while I never run out of things to talk about, sometimes I do run out of time to turn out coherent thoughts. So today, as the day is almost behind me and I must post like NOW! I figured I'd point you to one of the funnest posts I've read over the weekend. It's no coincidence it belongs to my friend, JenGi at her blog 86753oh9. Here is where she proves there is a good reason I separate my Tylenol from my Tylenol PM.


D... said...

I haven't heard from her. I hope she's awake now! ;)

Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

I haven't figured out yet what an I-pod is let alone a mamapolomo... thing.

How much do they cost and where is yours?

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

JenGi? Wake up, honey! The weekend is over! JenGi? JenGi!!!!

Misty DawnS said...

I love that picture! The only thing more beautiful than the two of you is the friendship you share.

Jenny86753oh9 said...

"Up from the grave she arose....!"

Stacey said...

No, Mist, come on. I'm def more beautiful than the friendship! Right?

Trinity said...

Hahaha.. I love your friendship between you and JenGi and all your great friends here.. :-)

I used to join naboplomo last Nov, but I quit becoz of that plagiarist, remember? :-P it still hasn't stopped by the way..still copying my site.. and I rarely check there as well.. just forget it.