Mar 13, 2008

D2D and Ripples

My friend, Angela, wrote this the other day and it took my breath away. Especially the sentence I highlighted. She goes on to tell her story, how her journey began and touched on one of those ripples she made and how that ripple still expands. Angela gave me permission to put her words on my blog (thanks). I needed the reminder and thought maybe you might find it relevant to your life in some way:

Sometimes we are the ones planting a seed of spirituality in another person. At other times, we are the ones watering the seed someone else planted. And sometimes, we are the ones helping to harvest the flowering of a soul.

Each of these actions produces ripples in the world - a small wave of action that touches one life after another. We will never fully know, this side of heaven, how far these ripples reach.

A few weeks before my senior year of high school, my parents divorced and I moved with my mother and baby sister to Illinois. Unable to cope with the circumstances, my mother and I both fell apart. But my Uncle John, who had recently become a born again Christian, would pick me up when my mom could not deal with my depression, and take me to work with him. He was a night-time taxi driver and as we drove around all night, he would tell me all he knew and believed about the beauty and joy of a true relationship with God.

There's much more to her story, you can read it at Angelawd.

I think it's amazing how God works in our lives with such perfect timing. I also know it might seem He forgot someone, maybe it's you or someone you love. Believe me, I know the feeling. I still say to Him after losing my dad and my sister within four months of each other that while I know there's a plan I don't understand, I sure hope the explanation is a good one. Before you gasp at my audacity, let me explain. I think God and I are pretty tight by now, I also believe He kinda knows what I'm thinking anyway and there's nothing I can think that will take away His love for me and His gift of life in heaven forever and ever.

The pastor of this fabtabulistic church family I love so dearly put together an awesome study called D2D a few years back. D2D stands for Deep Calls To Deep. It's from Psalm 42:7:

7 Deep calls to deep
in the roar of your waterfalls;
all your waves and breakers
have swept over me.

He went on in his writings to talk about many things, but what I remember the most was that he referenced the reference of water. We thirst for water and I believe we thirst for, can't live without it. And when circumstances seem soooooo deep that we feel we simply cannot come to surface, well that's when those ripples Angela referenced come into play so often. I believe those ripples sometimes come along when we're being crushed by the weight of the water and God reaches in with His amazing strength and pulls us to the surface. I hope if you're dealing with something seemingly too far gone to be salvaged you let Him pull you up.


Angela Williams Duea said...

That's absolutely beautiful, Stacey, and so true! Those ripples touch people when they need it the most. I just pray that I'm paying attention when God wants me to lift someone up.

Thanks for the mention in your blog!

Jenny86753oh9 said...

...sniff...sigh...good post, Gidge.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Stacey. The perfect words, so very, very true. God does pull you to the surface and lifts you up. I like the part about planting spiritual seeds too.
How are you today?

D... said...

That last sentence says it all, Stacey. Wonderful post. ♥

Misty DawnS said...

Beautiful post, my friend. Your ripples have reached me ;-)

Anonymous said...

Me again, love the ripples. They are still reaching me this morning. Funny how words, special words, special people can do that.
Have a wonderful Saturday Stacey.
Take some time for yourself, to really replenish, and treat yourself to some me time.