Jan 17, 2008

It's All About The Trophy Case Smile!

Shana gave me a job to do the other day. I get to accept a very happy award, the You Make Me Smile! award. Merci, Shana! Vous me faites sourire aussi, la petite amie! The other day when I read this, I snapped a quick acceptance shot. As you can see, I'm not at all prideful about it. And as always quite excited to build up the trophy case humbled by this award!

I adore the looks of this little fella, HE makes me smile. He's colorful, he's retro, he's happy, he's all that. So, little smiley-faced happy guy, I lift my tiny little blue cocktail in honor of you!
I'm going to send this onto Angelawd because I laughed a little louder than even I'm comfortable in the room with when I read I'm A Gym Dork. She and I could be dear gym-sisters, I need to go back through my history and see if I've shared my "Stacey can't talk and walk on a treadmill" story. I'm sure my little sister wouldn't mind reliving it again!

Also, giving our happy fellow to Ms. Can't Be Wrong, the Ode to Jen/Gi tickled me all day long! I'm not sure if you didn't know Jen/Gi it'd be funny, but a song about a girl who grew up in travelling missionary world, who sports a hillbilly twang, who enjoys the word Heyhoo (I don't think her def of heyhoo and mine are the same, so I let it slide), and who says at least three time in any given conversation "Okay, here's the deal" or "Okay, here's the deal-io" is a good little song.

Jen/Gi, formerly GiGi, used to blog at Girl Gone Wild Biblestyle. But being the good girl she is, she figured some people may not get that she's not wild. (You're not?) She didn't want to be considered wild (no coal-throwing girl would be!) so she switched it over to 86753oh9 in honor of the Tommy Tutone song of our 80s past. And I play the song in my head. Much better, JenGi. For A Good Time, Call......When I hear that, I think thoughts of Monopoly with Jen/Gi. Laughter, sledding, linking arms and skipping along a trail. That's what I think of when I hear For A Good Time Call. And Jen/Gi I've got your number.

*There's a part two of this award, a tag meme. But I figure because I took so long spreading smiles and toasting my friends, I'll come back to it tomorrow or Friday. Thanks, Shana, again. I think you're one amazing woman. If I'd known you when I myself was a young mom, I'm thinking my kids might have had more fun--more days with paints and more days with play-doh, more days riding bikes up and down the sidewalk. You'll never be sorry you went to the trouble. This I am certain of. xo
**Updated on John...thanks so very much for your prayers, they are working. I saw him last night along with Cody. He was still hurting but much better. Good enough to try to make me jealous of another guy who comes to visit him, Bob. He loves to tell me when Bob was there. So apparently Bob showed up yesterday and John said "I gave Bob a hug" and he looks up at me with what Cody so accurately described as his "smiling face" and waited for me to feign jealousy. And of course I didn't let him down. He loves that game. I love that man. And I don't know why this is yellow, but you know, it works for me!


Anonymous said...

WHAT?! I'm all in this post yet I don't get this cute, little non-Walmart happy face guy?? Humph!

Fine...I guess Ms. Aunt Bea deserves it..it IS her song.

Need to go and check out Angelawd...have I read her before?

Misty DawnS said...

Just dropping in to tell you I gave you an award :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that your friend John is doing better :)

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

Congrats on the award! You are SO deserving, because you make ME smile every day!

And that's great news about John! We'll keep praying for him!

D... said...

I am so very happy to read the news on John! Excellent! Of course, he'll remain in my prayers.

Congrats on your award! It's PERFECT for you!

Shana said...

OK so you made me cry with those nice words you have to say about me. *blushing*

But I am not sure what those other words are up there in French! LOL!! I get the Thank you part and I think I see small in there? *needing translation* LOL!!!

Still can't wait to hear your weird things MeMe.

And I am still praying for John. :o)

Anonymous said...

You're the perfect recipient for this award. Congratulations!

Jenny86753oh9 said...

Hey...can you send me the coding for linking the MW.net image to the website??


Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

Stacey, how did you know the phone number I give to the nosy cashier??

Thanks for the update on John. He must be feeling better to be teasing you like that LOL!

Queen of Arbitrary Randomness said...

I wrote this amazing acceptance speech.

Then I clicked the wrong button and it all went away, forever.

So as I eat a slice of humble pie ...

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, on this well deserved award!!! Wear it well.

I am glad to hear John is doing better. He must be, if he is joking around with you. You must make his world so much brighter when you visit!