Dec 27, 2007

Getting Caught In The Act--My First Tutorial

If you had your druthers, how would you tell your child 'the truth'? Is there a worst case scenario to this coming out of sorts? Yeah, what would be the worst way your child could find out? Hmmm, maybe it would be, oh, I don't know......on Christmas Eve night as you're crouched down on the floor writing out name tags to separate the boys' gifts, simultaneously inhaling eating the chocolate cookie your son left for Santa, having already downed the eggnog, thus accounting for the yellow moustache!

And when we heard the noise on the steps, we turned, froze like the proverbial deer. "You mean Santa's not real?" Said with surprise mixed with sadness. I turned to him, mind tearing out 1000 different explanations to use...and I come up with "Uh...yea-ahh he's real. Can you believe it? He forgot to put tags on, so we woke up and came out to help him out!"

I'm feeling very clever until I turn and look up at my handsome husband standing behind me, scissors dangling from clenched teeth, tape in one hand, and bag of stocking stuffers in the other. Next to me lay the unfilled stockings. Would be believe Santa didn't remember those too? That we were just gonna help him out there as well?

And if he bought all that, do I want him to?

1) Do I want my boy thinking Santa just willy nilly threw his things in the living room, not really caring who, what and where, and then didn't even bother to eat the cookie or stuff the stocking? Is THIS the impression I want to leave on Alex, my baby? Okay, yeah. It might work and it's Santa's toes on the line this way, not mine!

Okay, but...

2) Do I think maybe at 10 it's time he knew anyway? That once the legs don't dangle from the lap, the gig is up? It was rather, ahem....embarrassing when GiGi came a few weeks ago--we visited Santa. Whereupon her kids, several years younger, agreed with a 'wink' to keep the silence.

The truth needed to come out. Just not on Christmas Eve. And if on Christmas Eve, just not while we're 'in the act'! If there could be an award for most ridiculous life 'stuff', I'm gonna win that one. Or trip over presents and elbow kids outta my way trying!

*Side note, Santa brought me a leather coat. Not just any leather coat, mind you, but a big giant mondo-sized leather coat. Thanks, Santa, your image of me is touching. Wait a minute! Is this Mrs. Claus' coat? Because if it is.....

I also got six ornaments, thus the 'six' in the photo. I don't think last-minute shopping bodes well for me. Six? I love them, they are so beautiful in their own little boxes and stuff. Six boxes. To be exact. Six. How many ornaments will feed a small family in...idk..Timbukistanyadahosia? Because I can sacrifice.


Katie said...

I think my boys are doubtful this year. harrison has a plan to secretly ask santa for something next year and see if he gets it. Apparently if he doesnt get it, the big guy is a fake. We'll see what happens!

Anonymous said...

i think that you should tell him that santa himself is not real there is no big guy up in the north pole but that he is a symbol of all things christmas and that santa will always be in the eye of the beholder
merry christmas

Anonymous said...

Hannah took over my computer. I think what happened on Christmas Eve was what most parents fear!! We had a few close calls through the years too, but nothing like yours. (((HUG))) I am with you, he should know, but not on Christmas Eve, no way. That is not the time to break the magic!! I hope it ended up OK.....

Loving leather coats...hope you can exchange it, if it is too big. It looks so pretty in the pictures. I love the Christmas pictures!


Stacey said...

LOL, Hannah, I couldn't agree more. Well said (you must have a smart momma!). And if I could start over, John and I both agree we'd never begin the 'lie' in the first place. xo

Shana said...

OH NO!!!

Caleb asked my mom two years ago about Santa. She told him something like Santa is in your heart. Well, he looked at mom and said "No, Jesus is in my heart, Santa can be in my head."

He really hasn't asked much more about him since then, but seems to go along with the flow, maybe for his little brothers, maybe because Grandma's answer "cleared" things up for him so he could still believe, maybe he doesn't believe. IDK!

But when I was talking to my dad about it and asked if I should tell him this year, Dad's response... "What! There is no Santa?!?" Then followed by "I never told you that did I?" No my parents never had "that talk" with me. "So, don't ever tell your boys that." Words of wisdom from my Daddy!!! :o)

Your fib is OK for the sake of the magic of Christmas. He probably knows the truth now, but somethings just don't need words.

That is just the way I feel about it. :O)

D... said...

You know, I'm not sure if my kids still believe or not. I mean, Lamb is 13 now. Surely, she doesn't still believe, right? But, she sure plays along. And I let her. They grow up so fast as it is. I don't remember ever having that talk with my mom.

I'm sure your Alex is pretty clever and he didn't fall for it. But, he might still play along too.

A leather coat, huh? Sharp!

Anonymous said...

Jake was five. We were sprawled across the bed one morning and he said, "Mom, I don't think Santa is real. I think you are Santa." I looked at him and thought, "What do I do? Lie? If so, how long can the lie hold out?" I said, "Yep, you're right." That's all there was to it.

My nieces were taught there was no such thing as Santa--only a metaphor for the joy of the season, one that was an inaccurate metaphor since Christ was the reason for the season. I thought that a bit harsh, but they never had to face what the rest of us had to face, I guess...Busted!

Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

:] We never did the Santa-lie thing. It's a good thing your kid and mine weren't in kindergarten together LOL! My son made all the little girls cry and the teacher wanted ME to somehow have my son lie to them so they could go on believing and smooth things over with the other parents.


Not gonna happen. Stinks to be you teaching this year, eh??

I'm surprised, though, that you didn't think of the, you KNOW Santa subcontracts, don't you? question. Ask it like you're amazed that the child couldn't know this basic fact of life, you know, like how all customer service is outsourced to India. Or... you do know that Santa isn't going to pay HEALTH INSURANCE on all those elves, what with their pre-existing conditions and all. Lookit how all the toys you got for Christmas are "made in China by slaves!" Or show him his crappy "Wii" system and tell him Santa gave you $400 for purchasing the Wii system and accessories, but you pieced this together and pocketed the difference...


I mean, if I'm gonna embellish the truth, I go big-time. Merry Christmas!! Ho Ho Ho.

PinksandBluesGirls said...

Oh no! I can just imagine you being caught like a deer in headlights! I honestly don't remember how I "found out" about Santa. I think I was probably about 8 or 9... my older siblings tried to keep the secret going, but I think I just figured it out. Good cover-up, though!

Jane, Pinks & Blues

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

Oh Stacey! That cracks me up and breaks my heart at the same time! I can just picture that scene in my head (because for years I've been afraid it will happen to US!). We have never had that talk w/ our kiddos - even Navy Son - I'm sure they probably know, but they play along really well. I don't know what advice to give you. I guess the gig is up. But Santa IS such a part of Christmas, so tell him what Hannah said. THAT is a good answer!

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I never had to face this issue with my kids. One day, while we were all riding in the car, my son mentioned Santa Claus. My husband the driver said, "Now you know there is no such thing Santa Claus....!" The horror on my face made him reach for the car door handle. That was the end of that--forever.

We had some close calls, but not as close as yours! That's one Christmas Eve you won't forget!

jenn said...

My daughter is 10, and pretends to still believe. My 12 year old son has "openly" not believe for the past 2 Christmas'. The funny thing is, my daughter was told recently that there is no tooth fairy, yet she didn't question Santa. Go figure.

I also received my necklace today. It is beautiful. Thank you again.

Angela Williams Duea said...

So, how did it all end? Is Santa still alive in your house?

Jim and Jami said...

Stacey you are a hoot.....I just love your Humor.....

Stacey said...

Mrs C, wow, that's a lotta thinking! lol

Angela (and everyone who wondered) this ended with a thud. We went with the truth. It was a traumatic evening, and even brought tears the next night, but I'll be fine. I mean Alex will be fine! xoxo

Anonymous said...

OMG! Girl too funny! yeah we had to do some quick thinking to keep Brandon unaware of the real truth. But I think the boy has some idea, he just isn't letting on he knows. we will just continue to play this game till he decides to give up! LOL

Girl, I got your message, I was in Virginia still and was busy with all the neices and nephews and family stuff. UGH. we ended up having a nice visit. (minus the Parents..which wow, glad they didn't come now! lol) will have to tell you all about that soon. We need to get together! There is much to talk about, to catch up on and well...because I MISS YOU!!!

love ya girl,

Anonymous said...

I dread having to tell GG the truth about Santa. I wonder how she'll feel that we mad him up all these years.