Oct 19, 2007

My Workspace Video & Got Some More Little Blue Drinks.....

Dawn showed a video of her workspace on her blog...it was reeeeal organized. And I thought it was cool enough to steal and put one on my blog. She thinks I'm techno-challenged and I am the girl who will jump over the bridge when dared--so I made the video. I hate my voice on videos quite a lot but it's fun to hear different accents. I've heard Jane's in Rhode Island and now Dawn's in New Hampshire--and they're too cute! I contend the midwest is the voice of the world--you don't hear accent here, we sound like the people on TV sound! So that's my criteria--my voice sounds most like the General Hospital crew. Gotta warn you, my voice is loud on this dumb thing, so turn your volume down (sorry!).

Memarie Lane (Marie) handed me about the cutest award out there! If you clicked on the video, you know who I gave it to. Thanks, my new blogfriend, Marie, you are a hoot, by the way! If you really wanna know what she thinks about in the movie theater, head over! Alright, I'm off to another dive meet. Then home. Then dinner. Then typing and HOPEfully I will get to watch Monk and Psych. No, scratch that--I WILL make time for that because it's been far too long! Marie, I think you might like those shows! Hope your weekend brings you happiness!


Anonymous said...

Does this mean I'm famous now!? You know, sort of like that 6 degrees thing? A little? Maybe?

ANYwayyyys, I love your video - your voice doesn't sound like I'd imagined it would at all LOL Thanks for sharing! :)

D... said...

I heart your voice!! I did not notice a lisp at all. Your voice is not at all how I imagined it, but don't ask me how I imagined it. There will not be a video of my workspace. Cluttered & messy and messy & cluttered. ;)

Yeah, what was up with the last seasons of D&G and Roseanne? Awful! Roseanne's was especially a let down.

Cat said...

LOL too funny! but girl, you need to get some updated pics of me! LOL who is that girl?


Love you girl, and I know you are there for me, I just have to make myself pick up the phone and dial. UGH.

Misty DawnS said...

Stacey - you are SO fabulous and you have a fabulous voice to match! I always sound like I'm half asleep or something LOL By the way, I posted several times today, but I think you would get a major kick out of my posts entitled "Insurance" and "Random Thoughts" (especially the insurance one). Yes, it's a paid post, but it's a true life story that happened the other day, and I think you are rubbing off on me a bit (you'll understand when you read it hehe)

Memarie Lane said...

My husband says I snore, but has yet to present proof.

Enjoy your blue drinks!

Sharon Sews said...

You sound so sweet Stacey! (Not that I'm insinuating that I didn't think of you was sweet already.) I don't think that I would 1) show my workspace without making it all neat and pretty - you know so everything thinks I'm super organized or 2) share my voice on the Internet - ugh,it was bad enough having to review my presentations in my speech classes - I hate the way I sound.

And what a nice way to give pass on the award to Cat! I love how the two of you connected - now that's sweet!

Trinity said...

Stacey, you are all time sweetie! congrats for the award... I think your workspace is great!

Girl Gone Wild - BibleStyle said...

Look at you! Busting out of your comfort zone....you rock, my most fabulous friend!