Oct 5, 2007

Evil On Her Mind

A few weeks ago I posted about a problem we were having with another church family. Over the course of that week, it exploded into 1000 pieces and has not been resolved. I'm not usually one to be specific with negative issues (or I spread it out over several weeks, lol) but this one burns me. And it burns me mostly because it involves my daughter, and some very mean-spirited, ugly rumors their son spread about her. Rather than make their son retract what he said, they allowed him to call her new boyfriend's folks and say it to them. Heck, they called the new boyfriend's mom too (their boys were friends). Even AFTER he admitted to Niki he was lying, it was wrong to say.

While the boyfriend's mom tried to keep an open mind, she pretty much kept the reigns tight on her son, not allowing him to spend too much time with Niki. I don't blame her, really, she doesn't know us from Adam. So...last night it all came to a head and the boyfriend had enough. He broke it off. Niki is devastated. And my heart hurts for her. She's doing so well, grades are all A's with a few B's and we worry she won't focus after this.

I'm not such a good person, though, that I can NOT be angry as heck with my 'friend'. At one time, I'd have given her anything she asked. I'm not sure I could now. I could use your prayers right now for Niki, this is a tough one for her. It seems no matter how hard she tries, she gets knocked right down to her knees. Every. Single. Time. I don't want this to determine her year, but I worry about it.

I could use a few prayers too. Because I'm angry with her and I'm sooo not feeling very gracious about it all. To my friend, I dedicate this song to you. (and Cliff isn't hard on the eyes, either, enjoy!)

*I'm sure I'll be back on to apologize to y'all for hanging out such dirty laundry, but for now, it feels freakin good...but I'll be back feeling guilty, I know.*


Unknown said...

Praying for Niki. Sometimes we just have to vent. Hugs to you.

Misty DawnS said...

Praying for both of you. I wouldn't go back to those high school years for anything. I too was a victim of some nasty rumors. Poor Niki. I don't blame you at all for being angry - you certainly don't need to feel guilty about coming here to talk to people who can understand and relate - that's what blogs are for!

Lala said...

Hi Stacey... You have to wonder sometimes what motivates people, kids, and PARENTS when things happen... I think it is important to NOT let this incident bother you... or at least don't let other people know it bothers you... sometimes reactions can fuel the fire so to speak... the people who TRULY know you... your family... and Nikki will not believe the rumors...

Hope you have a relaxing weekend!

Lala :o)

Anonymous said...

Oh Stacey, this one hits close to home for me. I went through a very tough time my senior year in high school because of nasty rumors spread about me by a "friend." We were very close and then one day he decided that he would do everything he could to make me miserable. Still don't know why to this day.

Some people are so small and narrow-minded. I am so sorry you and Niki have had to deal with such people lately. We are here for you, with love.

Jane, Pinks & Blues

For the Love... said...

Wow. My daughter is 12 and it takes ever ounce of self control I have not to go to the school and rip some of her "friends" apart. I swear 12/13 year old girls are some of the meanest creatures on earth...or so I thought until reading this. The boy and his parents should be ashamed.

Shana said...

I am praying for you both. When I was in HS my mom was good friends with my BF's mom. UNTIL... She also turned on me and my mom. You may remember me talking about my BF from HS in an Aug. post. I mentioned that 'due to the circumstances' we slipped away from each other. Well, that was the circumstances.

(((HUGS))) to you and your daughter!

Shana said...

Oh, I posted a pic of my window view.

D... said...

Bless Niki's heart. I just hate that this has happened to her and you too really. Prayers for all of you. Please know that you can vent anytime you need to. It really feels good when you do.

Girl Gone Wild - BibleStyle said...

Ah man...poor Niki. That would be so hard for a mama to see. I don't blame you for wanting to beat a few heads together.

Of course I'll pray for you and Niki. And maybe just a few prayers towards the 'hatey' people who could use some heaping coals on their heads! Shoot, maybe when I come up we can go by their house and PELT them with the coal! Much more fun!

Sharon Sews said...

Aw man! Why do people have to do things like that! My heart aches for Niki - been there - and for you as protective mommy. You know you got prayers covering you from Minnesota. And you know? sometimes it feels pretty darn good to air dirty laundry, LOL!

Halfmoon Girl said...

Yuck, why do adults do things like that. Tough for your daughter. Glad she has your support. It is ok with me if you want to rant a bit- makes you real.

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

Ummm....these people are CHRISTIANS??

Bless Niki's heart - I am praying for her, too. Mean people suck.

Anonymous said...


let me know when you are free today or tomorrow and I'll call you. I can't beleive that someone would do this! Poor Nikki.

Anonymous said...

OK, when it comes to my your children....all goodness goes out the window. That is just plain evil and mean spirited. You have every right to be furious!!! Your daughter is so beautiful and such a good person, she does not need to be treated like that. I just hate that she has to go through something like this........Grrrrrr
You and Niki are in my heart, thought and prayers.

When I was in high school, a boy broke up with me because someone called his mom and told him my mom was an alcoholic. In this case in was true, but it had nothing to do with me. I made good grades, was never in trouble, worked at Piggly Wiggly 40 hours a week, took care of my siblings, etc. None of that mattered at all. It was one of the most painful things I ever went through, but I did learn a lot.

Katja said...

Hugs for Niki! I had similar to happen to me too. She will survive, it just hurts for a while (a long one, unfortunately). Another tough lesson she learnt in the school of life. You can't trust people to do the right thing.