I know, I know, only 40 minutes left until it's not Friday anymore. Over at Kailani's (An Island Life), she's doing a fun little Friday meme. I ask you a question, you answer. Then you can link up to her and ask your own darn question!
So I'm reading my BFF GiGi's blog tonight, and not gonna mince words here--she's capable of eating some disgusting 'food' or whatever. Like Spam fries, black-eyed peas with raw onion, and I think there were some live animals in there, not sure. And that got me to thinking about GiGi--and how she wants to prank some folks while she's up, throw some hot coals at their house. I think that's a fine idea. We might. (PS Gi, you DID see where I won the prize over at Kailani's, no? I KNOW! I couldn't believe it either...that almost always....I mean nevah happens!)
That girl got me to thinking about pranks, silliness, all the things we did in high school. Small town high school is probably better known for pranks, there isn't much else left to do on a Saturday night (Friday nights being typical football or basketball nights).
At Christmas time, we drove through town lifting holiday decorations,you know, wreathes, little decorative trees, those plastic candy canes, a flamingo or two, and of course always a Frosty and a Rudolph. Giggling beyond control, we'd sneak upon the target, snatch and run like heck through the snow (back when snow was snow and it was up to our knees) until we got to the getaway. One of us
would be waiting, the trunk up. We tossed our score into the trunk, pile into the car (literally--back then seat belts weren't the 'thing' either) and took off, tire chains clanking along to the music! (Do you just see how innocent I can look over there? Because I am capbale of the look.)

At the end of the night-- say around 11:30, we knew we needed to get rid of 'evidence', so we simply unloaded the pile onto the side of a street and drove back home. Laughing all the way.....
Given, it might have been mean and stuff. But I contend a little movie theater or a stinking Mickey D's and we would've been better behaved. Fatter, but still...nicer.
I've got a million and one stories just like this (some of them started with a bottle of Tickle Me Pink...if you're an 80s child, you know about Tickle Me Pink). What was your favorite childhood/teenager-hood prank?
PS--Did any of y'all check that You Tube Video of Cliff Richard? Because I don't think you did. Because you'd be all 'oh my goooooondess he's beautiful!'. And I didn't get even one of those! Losers.
Ok...didn't want to admit on the last post that my Cliff Richards tape was my prized thing my senior year....there...happy? Blech...
We used to the do the holiday stripping too but instead of running off with it, we'd redecorate another person's yard as tack-i-ly as possible. Who knew we were HGTV nerds in Jr High!
On a side note? Unfortunately, I was one of those angst teenagers that wanted to take it out on the world so I did some pretty nasty, mean things. Paybacks gonna be a b**ch!
OMG! Flashback!
One night when I was in college I spent the night (along with about 4 other girls) at my friend's apt. I was unable to "hang" and went to sleep on the living room sofa early. When I woke up about 4am sneezing it was because the living room had been turned into a winter wonderland. There must have been 15 trees in there, some were covered in lights. There were also assorted snow men, santas and reindeer....
Those sneaky little theives are all proper soccer moms now...too funny!
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Oh my goodness! That Cliff Richard is sooooo beautiful! (Just wanted you to know that I did indeed check the video.)
Pranks? pranks? Hmmm, no I don't think I ever did any pranks - I was much too serious and well-behaved to have done anything like that. Although I *kinda* remember the being involved in a tomato fight with another high school the night before homecoming, and then my friend (ha!) claims I pulled a fire alarm because I wanted to leave school (I'm pretty sure it wasn't me), then my girlfriends and I *might* have left things in mailboxes during a sleepover ...
At least now I know what probably happened to my Christmas decorations last year!
I was quite the prankster but don't remember a whole lot... Once I switched around all the instruments the the band room lockers... I left really sappy secret admirer notes for a girl that was nasty to me... Left a gift wrapped box of worms on top of a girl's car who had dumped a friend of mine... hid a friend's report that he needed to turn in to graduate.
I don't even know what to say. I'm still drooling over Cliff Richard.
I once hid in Coastie Brother's closet and waited for about 10 minutes after he turned off his light. Then I jumped out screaming. He shot out of bed faster than fast. Does that count?
Oh my, my high school years were in a VERY small town in Tennessee. We did many pranks, after riding around the main street, for hours. We loved to soap our friend or enemies cars. If they were at work, like at Piggly Wiggly, we would sneak in the parking lot, and rub soap all over the windows. It was always with a groups of girl friends, giggling and laughing the whole time. God help the guy who cheated or broke up with one of our group.... That soap was awful to get off too!! Oh, they memories of small town life in the 1980's, we had a blast. I love going back there in my mind or when I talk to my best friend Tricia, who still lives there.
Hey, I know you tagged me, and I am working on it, in my head. I will be posting it soon. Harder than I thought. I have such a big mouth, it is hard coming up with what I haven't babbled about. BUT, I will.
Hi Stacey!!! OK OK OK... I watched Cliff... and saw a bit more of him than I was comfortable with... LOL... do mirrors MAGNIFY things????
"Did day evah catch dat gorilla dat gone a punched you in da eye?" (from ONE of my FAVORITE movies)
Can't tell you most of my "pranks"... as the statute of limitations may not have run out yet... LOL ... BUT... I can tell you that a bunch of my girlfriends and I use to ride by the Football fields every afternoon while the "hotties" were practicing and we'd take turns giving them a little "cheer"... KWIM???? LOL... Gotta LOVE that Southern Hospitality!!!
Lala :o)
I was such a goody two shoes when I was younger - still am! I don't think I've ever played a practical joke on anyone before!
Dude! Did Lala just admit to mooning (or FLASHING) the football players?!?!!? That rocks!
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