My dear friend, Nova, send me a link with a plea..she said her famiy had entered her in the Josephine Covergirl contest. I clicked the link figuring it would be a big process, but it took only two seconds to find her--Marcella 88 and click on her darling little white haired self.
I'm not sure what this contest is about (you know how those small towns can make a big deal of out of anything....pumpkin fest, watermelon seed fest, haystacking fest, old time days, spring fest, summer fest, winter fest...did I miss a fest?). But when I saw Miss Marcellas' darling little face up there, it didn't matter. She's so cute, she has to win. It's a birthday & anniversary present to her from her grandchildren. It should be considered a deed well done if you read this and click over to Marcella (promise it'll take just three seconds). Besides, I kind of told Nova I was sort of a big deal on the blogosphere--it'd be awfully embarassing if nobody voted from this link. She doesn't know a big deal from a little deal in the blog world, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to talk me up!
Remember this photo--Kelly on the left (who btw, has finally found herself in l-o-v-e), Nova in the middle, me on the right? 
Hi Stacey! One Vote for Marcella and her cute white haired self... CHECK! I hope she wins!
Lala :o)
Marcella got a click from me. :)
been there done that :)
Done! She is adorable, and what a sweet gift from her grandchildren.
Voted! Hope she wins
I SO voted, cause you know how devoted I am to beauty pagents...ok, I don't even know how to spell that word!
Anything for you, Stacey! What a cutie she is. And yes, that took all of 2 seconds!
Jane, Pinks & Blues Girls
Hi Stacey I'm Dawn's sister from Coming to a Nursery Near You and I just voted for Marcella...she reminds me of my nana
I voted for her :-)
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