The museum was such fun. The pics on the grid down there are mostly from the American Indian part, but some of what we got to go see was part of the Glore Psychiatric museum. We saw a lot of funky contraptions there, even a morgue (see pic with a chagrinned Alex, lol). It was definitely sobering, thinking about what these patients lived all those years. I recall driving down that stretch of road and looking over at that big building, we called it the insane assylum. And as a kid and a teenager, it didn't matter to my life. If I could turn time back a bit (alright, a lot) I'd have said prayers for the people behind those barred windows, not cracked jokes with my friends.
If you look closely (I think you can click and enlarge this) you'll see a bear in the picture. I remember seeing t his as a child--it brought back fun memories! And cracks me up if you look at pic with Alex and the bear--I think he'd better run before that bear bites his behind! This trip was more than interesting to Alex and myself--we got the opportunity to SEE the artifacts, and even feel some of them.
After the museum, went to Taco John's for a late lunch and so I could get a taco burger! I always had the taco burger and beans when I was growing up. Sitting there eating our food, a group of boys came into the restaurant to eat--wearing black football jerseys that said "Savages" on it.

Alex knows me so well...pleading "Please don't talk to them, Mom". Visions of me saying "Heyyy! Where's the game? You know, I lived in Savannah too! I was a football cheerleader, believe it or not!" Then they drop jaws and stare...they pick up their trays, move to the other side of the room and begin howling with laughter at the crazy 'old lady'!
So as I silently reminisced high school days, the old black & gold, the amazing freedom, that whole simplistic yet complex life, having a mid-life moment, guess what song came on the overhead system? Oh yeah, Don't You Forget About Me-Simple Minds. It was too much, I think my eyes were tearing up. I picked up my cell and called my high school friend, Tracy (seen below from last October). She still lives in Savannah and works in St. Joe. I described to her my surreal experience and waited for her to say "No Way!". She said "okayyy...so?" I guess never being away, you don't get the nostalgia everytime you go somewhere you used to, see things you used to, idk. Kelly was teaching class, else I'd have called her. She totally gets this, even though she lives in St. Joseph too. Niki, below, might think this photo is posted because she looks just so adorable in her red/white. While looks smashing, it's the little orange/pink box on the corner I'm focused on.
That's right, I got my Dunkin Donuts. I was going to save my big surprise until next week, but okay okay, here goes: tonight when I was at the grocery store, lo and behold: sitting on the shelf right next to the Folgers, blah blah blah coffee....dum da da dahhhh! That's right, the rumors are fact! Hy-Vee will be carrying MY special coffee from now on--this time I really DID tear up. You can't imagine what this will do for my day--I have to limit it to only ONE pot per day (it's pricier than Folgers or Max House) but at about 2 o'clock when I need to feel the DD love, I never need to go without again. This is BIG!
As Prince would say: Not Done!
I'm far behind awards, and I've been giving it thought. I have two to hand off today and I love every single person on my list. Yet at the same time, it would completely wreak havoc on the credibility of the award if every blogger did that, I know, I know. So.....I want to give the I Heart Your Blog Award (thanks again, Misty Dawn) to these very special bloggers:
*My Three Wisemans (Shana)--she is the epitome of courage and strength!*It's Cat's Life (Cat) --I heart her, I hope she keeps this new blog going!
*Coffee Mom (Kathleen)--She's funny, Here's Proof!
*Skimbaco (Katja) --Talented and beautiful--yet I still like her. Go figure!
*And Miles To Go...(Bridget)--But then, who DOESN'T heart her blog? Really?!
Now, Miss Bridget also saw fit to include me in a brand new one, which I'm quite stoked about! It's the You Make Me Smile Award. I'm thinking that if anything, this girl makes me smile (btw, Bridget, I did make it to the grocery store today--be ready for my results).
*Bubba's Sis (B/S)--Quickly become like a favorite blankie to me!
*USO Girl (D..)--She's the blankie's best friend--and I'd like to steal her away!
*Girl Gone Wild (GiGi) --My blog bff, and shoulda been my neighbor!
*And Island Life (Local Girl)--Whirlwind of a life, entertains me always!
*Coming To A Nursery Near You (Dawn)--I swear she's married to Leif Garrett!
And.....the fun doesn't end with this, no no no! I've got another round of Nice Matters coming up early next week. I just didn't want to be ribbed too hard so I didn't dare post that today. I know there are bajillions of talented bloggers, funnier bloggers, more interesting bloggers, and it humbles me (for real) that you amazing souls have rested here at JameeForever, and not only that, that you like me as much as I like you (ALL of you). xoxoxo
I had to LOL at this delightful post!! Thank you so much for the award--I am truly honored :) I have to say that after coming over here each day, I'm a bit envious of the busy, awesome and VERY active life you lead!! Who could not love you? Looks like you had a blast at the museum--the pictures are GREAT!! Love the Simple Minds song--It happened to be our school's graduation song.
Hope your weekend is a bit cooler AND thank again (you made me smile AGAIN!!)
Awww!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm not sure B/S would let you steal me tho. ;)
Sounds like a fun day at the museum. My kids love to go to things like that. And YAY about your coffee.
Awww Stacey - you are TOO SWEET! I just love you! But no, you can't have D. She's mine.
Thank you for the award - I shall display it proudly at my blog!
Stacey, you totally deserve a You Make Me Smile award, because I smile every time I come here. I Heart your blog, too. I don't know if you noticed, but I did send you a Hugz (the angel one) for your blog because if we were to meet, I'd totally hugz on you :)
Thank you for the award. I truly am honored. Of course, you might want to include the award in the post so we can grab it LOL
Stacey, Thank you so much. I heart your blog too. I am so glad that we have 'met'.
I love the "Vanna" poses you son is showing off in the pictures. LOL!!!
If you only knew how much your kind words and prayers mean to me. Just know that I feel the same about your strength. I don't have a sister and I can only imagine the bond that you must of had with Jamee. But I know it took unbelievable strength to watch her suffer with cancer. You are an inspiration. :o)
This was such a great post! I loved looking at the pictures, it looks like you had a great time. I loved hearing about your trip down memory lane. I went to High School in Savannah Tennessee, graduated in 1981 and I get very emotional when I get a memory trigger from that time in my life. I always call my best friend Tricia, who still lives there, but gets it. Love that Simple Mind song so much!! Everytime I hear it, it just take me back to a really good place and time. The cheerleading picture was very beautiful. I did not know you and your sister were on the team together. What memories you must have of that. I can totally tell you all are sisters. I loved seeing that picture.
As, for Duncan Donuts Coffee, you should have told me. We have them on every street corner here, they are always having sales, I could have sent you a bunch. My friend Kim and I just stocked up because we are going back to work on Tuesday (we work in a school) and it is our favorite coffee of all time too!!!
Anyway, just wanted to say what a great post and congratulations to the award winners. I look foward to looking at their blogs.
Your posts are hilarious!
Guess what came in my mail yesterday, Sweet Stacey?? Yes! My CD! (For some reason there was an extra one in there?? I gave it to D....) ;-)
Thanx so much - I'm jammin to it!
Thank you for my award. That is so sweet of you! And congrats on yours, too!
Aww "you love me! you really really love me!"
Thank you girl friend! I will be posting about this you can believe that! LOL so am I to spread the love also? Hmmmmmmmm who to spread it too.....
You know I heart your blog too! Thanks Stacey!
My job is done if I make you smile, Gidge! Thanks for the award...you're a dear-heart. As soon as I can get my act together from our trip I'll get it posted up. You HAVE been busy, girl!
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