Edited: I was so inspired by Audrey's comment (appears she's not alone) I had to spin this song, a little mood music! (we'll tell Mr. Vick it's from Louie!)
"First I want to apologize for all the things that I've done and that I have allowed to happen," Vick said at a news conference following his appearance in U.S. District Court."I made a mistake in using bad judgment and making bad decisions," he said. "Dog fighting is a terrible thing.""I offer my deepest apologies to everyone. And i will redeem myself. I have to.Vick also said he was sorry "to all the young kids out there for my immature acts. What I did was very immature so that means I need to grow up," he said.
Immature? Slamming Jell-O shots and running down the street in your underwear is immature! (Not that I know ;-). Pushing the kid in front of you because they cut you in line...immature.
Drowning dogs, electrocuting dogs, body slamming dogs to their death? Without a conscience. Completely devoid of any empathy whatsover. Not immaturity. You grew up, Mr. Vick, no that's not it. You're just all wrong. I hope you make the most of your 82 minutes in jail!

Flicking the camera off is even beyond immature. But what he did!? To defenseless, innocent animals? For six years? Heinous. Incomprehensible. Unforgivable.
Jane, P&B Girls
Why is it that the sports stars are the absolute worst role models out there. Most of them are worse than even the nastiest rockers!
I can't even talk about Vicks. He makes me ill.
Scum-sucking, dirt bag!!!!!!!! No, no, Gidge...I was talking about Vicks! Hee, hee....love you!
I don't say this about many people... but I hope some "big" men find him in jail and rough him up and up and up. Coward with no heart. I can't even call this person a man.
- Audrey
Is that ALL the time he has to serve for his crimes?! If so that is disgusting! I thought his press conference was EXTREMELY lame! This story just makes me SO mad! Great post! I love your blog by the by! Take care!
That man disgusts me. I hope he gets the MAXIMUM jail time they can throw at him!
And I hope Louie bites him on the leg.
I agree with you 150%. I heard his statement and told my husband the same thing. What he did was cruel and heartless, not immature. Who ever helped write that speech needs an dictionary!!
Have you seen this article http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/7160334?MSNHPHMA ? My husband showed it to me last night and I couldn't agree with the author more!
I also agree with you and think that this man deserves severe punishment (jail time) for his actions against helpless dogs.....but, isn't it a shame that we live in a country that puts people who abuse and kill animals in jail.....yet human babies can be killed and it's legal!!
Couldn't have said it better, Anonymous!
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