Mar 17, 2007


We picked up our first box of food from Angel Food Ministries; our church is doing the Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace and a lot of us are incorporating this into our budget reducers. I should correct myself, John picked it up and only because at 11:49, as I sat folding laundry, contemplating my most excellent free to do what I like day, the phone rang and the very nice volunteered wondered if we were going to make it or not. The pickup time was to be 10am. I put my panic mode into action, called John, who happened to be at the Wal Mart (I'm sure I'll post about the big WM down the road), within a stone's throw of the church. He abandoned his car, sped over, picked it up (they were incredibly gracious about it) and got back to his car, picking up where he left off! It'd be great if this were an odd event, however these things crop up like this all the time! I need lists, that's my goal for next week. I'm doing lists like I used to. I got more done, I didn't forget ortho appointments, food pickups, school carnival planning committee meetings (I'm really sorry about that one, ladies, give me another chance, I really do want to help).

So I'll turn back to my lists, lists on everything from things to buy, clean and do, let you know if it helps. I'm a little tired of feeling like this, lol:

So back to the food pickup, I have to say we were skeptical, but wow! We got a lot of food for a small price and even made up the ground beef/steaks tonight with mushroom and mushroom soup. They tasted yummy! I didn't realize until we sat down that I'd made cornbread and biscuits. That's two breads, a little much I guess. I'm forgiven though, there's chocolate meringue pie from the food pickup and it's not bad either! So far I'm pleased with our purchases, next month's menu looks even better. ~Stacey


Cat said...

I have to do a list or I forget to do things all the time. Hope you had a Nice St. Patricks Day! We didn't do anything special, just watched movies, and made Brownies!

Cat said...

Oh and by the way! LOVE THE PIC! lol

Cat said...

You missed October Road? well guess what... Go to and you can watch it online. ( I do that sometimes when I miss my Greys Anatomy!)

Take care friend!