Nov 24, 2008

I'm In Contest Mode Again

I've been checking out the 5 Minutes For Mom Christmas Giveaways and I feel my pulse beating harder, my breathing getting a little faster---all signs I'm in full contest-entering mode! So far I'm winning a pair of skates for my niece, Molly, a cool new printer for myself and a Batman PS2 Bundle for Alex (isn't this cool?!).
Click the button to check it out for yourself, but remember, less entries from you mean more chances for me. Especially JenGi, she'll enter them all and I think that's wrong. Unless she's going to give them to me...maybe.

Christmas Giveaway Stocking 120x240


Mom Knows Everything said...

I've entered a couple of Christmas give-a-ways already, but not this one. I'm on my way to check it out. If I don't win, I hope you do. ;o)

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

Hi there, friend. I hope you win!
AND I hope you have a really blessed Thanksgiving. :)

Jenny86753oh9 said...

Oh, girl....laying down the gauntlet again are we??? I can bring it! (And yes, I would probably give to you...cause I love ya!)