Jul 1, 2008

Prayers, Cody, Piercings and The 08 Profile Picture Castaway

It's been a particularly difficult week for so many of my friends, which always gets me down too. If you haven't heard, JenGi's amazing brother, Hulkman, is in the hospital. I hope she knows how many of us love her and are praying right along with her for Hulkman's complete recovery. I haven't yet called her, but will do this today. You'd think after all the tragedy in my life I'd know what to say to folks who are hurting--but I really don't. I just try and say I'm here, I'm sorry, I'm praying. And more importantly, I follow up with actually praying! I didn't used to do that, I used to intend to pray for my friends, but I forgot that all important facet of the whole thing! But when my sister needed it most, I definitely knew I was grateful to all who prayed with her and for her. So, humbled by that, I understand now how wrong I was.

I also met with a friend from church yesterday, we had a long lunch. She's been dealing with a ton of stress for a long time now. And it was so hard to hear her say she doesn't ask for help from anyone because she feels she's taken their time long enough. Have we gotten to be a society of 'fast-food-empathy'? That someone is allotted a certain amount of time to hurt, then move along please, NEXT!? I hope not. I don't think so, really. But I think we perceive we become a burden to others sometimes and we stop asking for support. In my thinking, those are the days when we MOST need support, when we feel so alone and so overwhelmed and we quit.

There have been a few people on the MiracleWord forums who have been dealing with some serious issues and have asked for prayer too. I guess we're all needing prayer at some point in our lives, and I think Internet is a good tool to reach out to others when we otherwise would not/could not.
Oh! And I missed my BFF, Kelly's 40th Birthday. How uncool is that? It only confirms how caught up in myself I can get sometimes and that has got to stop. So Kelly, if you read this anymore,

Okay, enough down and out, I've done a lot of that lately! On the lighter side, Cody will be home tomorrow--I kind of miss him. Niki came by yesterday for a package that arrived for her...she couldn't stay this time. Probably best--I'm not in love with her latest piercing. The middle of the ear thing, okay, don't love it, but okayyyyy. But now? I worry that she'll never get that booger out of her nose and maybe the booger will cause an infection and spread and she'll have to be hospitalized. What will I tell people? Booger-itis? Help me not be so 'old' about this. And give me hope that it stops there. I cannot do lip rings or those little bars over the eyebrow. Right now it's a very real possibility, so I'm shuddering. If nothing else, I have been humbled by this whole "Niki grows up but does it backwards" thing. I refuse to judge other parents or children because then I would have others judging me. I do enough of that myself.

Okay for SURE enough down and out. How about a picture? I haven't done one for awhile. It's from my Profile Pictures Gone Bad-- Summer 08 Collection. You have one too, right? Am I alone in this? Am I the only crazy who has one and owns it? I'd better log off now.


artisticdiva said...

I'll come and visit for a belated birthday greeting! Just let me know when.


Anonymous said...

You have such an amazing smile, Stacey... one that I know was always helpful to see when I was going through my Bismarck's illness last year. I am sure your smile and your words are a comfort to many. Hugs!

Also, I am not really a fan of the nose ring, either. I think I would be SO annoyed with something IN MY NOSE all the time! But hey, some people think the things I do are weird, too! :-)


D... said...

Stacey, I think on the big scale, a nose ring isn't the end of the world. It's temporary so when she is tired of it or outgrows it, it'll be gone. Don't sweat the small stuff or borrow future trouble, ok? Just don't look at her nose ring side. ;)

I have been praying for Jen & Hulkman too. May God's will be a complete & absolute recovery!

I don' think we are a fast-food empathy society. I think our friends truly care & want to comfort us. I think it's a matter of letting them know. I'll admit, I'm the world's worst about this. I plaster on that smile for the world & leave the burden of caring for me to my husband. I've just learned to shelter myself. I'm trying to change that about myself.

Finally, I hope Kelly had a wonderful big birthday!

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

I'm praying for JenGi and Hulkman, too - and I'm praying for YOU, Stacey-Girl. Hang in there with Niki - you know I've been thru this in a similar way, and I pray that God brings her back to you (I think He will!). It has been four years for me, but Navy Son and I are finally getting to a good place. Remember - you put the good stuff in there and it's still in there; it's just not showing real good right now. She knows who her family is and that they really love her. It just might take a while for her to remember that. {{{Stacey}}}

Mom Knows Everything said...

Stacey that picture made me smile! Thank you! I think everyone needs prayers, but sometimes it's hard to ask for them. Big hugs, Tammy

Misty DawnS said...

I'm praying... I pray for y'all every night, but I'm praying extra - extra - extra! Sometimes I feel like such a shmuck for feeling all sorry for myself over stupid things - I need to step back and realize that I've got a lot to be thankful for.

Stace, lemme me tell ya Sweetie - can you possibly imagine Hubs and my reaction the day my step-son (about 15 years old) was dropped off by his mother, he walked up on our porch, and walked in the front door sporting a lip ring AND a tongue piercing! YES, you read that right - lip AND tongue... I thought Hubs was going to burst a blood vessel.

Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

Awww... Stacey... Now I'm at a loss for helpful words to say.

Jenny86753oh9 said...

I love ya, Stacey.

(Does that mean I have to take my nose ring out??)

Anonymous said...

Oh no, not the body piercings! I would throw a tantrum if my girls had it done. They may not realize it but they'll regret it one day.

jennyonthespot said...

Hey girl... I have not been checking in like I want - and it appears I am missing a lot... I'm checking in with JenGi next...

But, I have friends and have BEEN the friend who stops asking. It's discouraging to be the one who wants to help, but when we don't know - it's hard. It is wonderful that you took time with your friend and encouraged her. Perhaps it will be what she needs to give her the courage to accept help.

You are a precious gal, with a gorgeous smile... and an incredible heart for the Lord.

Anonymous said...


Just sending lots of love and prayers. I am always praying, always thinking about you.

Keep the faith my friend.


Cathi said...

Never let people judge you and never judge yourself when it comes to your children after they're grown.
Both my boys went through the tongue and eyebrow piercing thing. Both are over it. I wish my oldest could take his tattoos off as easily as it was to take the thing out of his tongue!