May 5, 2008

What Do YOU Want?

I devoured this book pretty much the day I received it in the mail. This is FANTASTIC! The little tag line on their blog says 'Buy it today and start on the journey!'. It's true, I keep coming back to it to re-read some of the chapters that meant so much to me. It's a Christian based book that is just what the title says it is. The two authors, Lisa T. Bergren and Rebecca Price, have asked just that question and compiled a journey worth taking.

If I had to take one chapter out of the book to call my favorite, it has to be Chapter Four, Soul Sisters. And they recognize we all want deep friendships with other women, it's so important to our well being, in my opinion. They break this into the Whitewater Classes of Friendship, with Class I being acquaintances and Class V being friends who have weathered the whitewater and came out on the other end still friends. I like that....I think many of you know I find great joy and comfort in my friendships with other women and am so grateful I have such wonderful friends (blogfriends included). It wasn't always like that for me, I was a 'keep your distance' kind of woman. Until my family fell apart and I realized if I was ever going to have the closeness and security I had with my sister, I was going to have to be vulnerable and let my friends in. I did and I have been blessed beyond my wildest imagination. I could have used this chapter to navigate the path.

I'm thinking of getting a group of friends together every other week or so just to read the chapters and get a good discussion going. I can use the accountability AND I could use the support. We all do. Some of the other topics you'll find include:

  • Peace/Contentment in your life (would be nice!)

  • Your relationship with God (the most important relationship)

  • Finding purpose in your life

AND then Part 2, all the chapters that include how God satisfies these wants. It's such an innovative way to do a book like this!

Okay enough of my excitement, of course there is a contest! If you tell them about your sister of the heart and email it to you'll get this story published on their blog ( . Okay it gets cooler...the story with the MOST comments will win a copy of this incredible book, a soundtrack of your choice for your 'sister of the heart' AND will be entered to win $15 at Starbucks. Let me know if you do this, I'll be sure to go over and comment.

You can check out the Five Minute Survey HERE, and check out Chapter One HERE.

If you do nothing else, at least consider the book for your next Bible study...I think there's more than one topic that will impact everyone in your group. Click the photo of the book and it'll take you straight to I honestly think it would make a great Mother's Day gift too. This book is geared for women of EVERY age.


Jenny86753oh9 said...

So did you do a story? ...Guess you wouldnt need to since you have the book already, but you know...a Starbuck's card!

Queen of Arbitrary Randomness said...

Well, aren't you quite the little reader!

I will check this out. I bought the Marriage Next book you had up. It is very good. I just need more time to read.

P.S. The campsite across from the ones we reserved has electricity!

Stacey said...

Well, Ms. Aunt Bea, you need to reserve the campsite ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE ONE YOU RESERVED! Sheesh! Okay I'm intrigued. I'm chewin on it...I'll call for details.

Angela Williams Duea said...

Sounds great! My bible study women are looking for a new book...myabe I'll suggest this.

P.S. I just got my Generation NeXt Marriage book! Thanks!

D... said...

Goodness, my to-be-read list keeps getting longer and longer. And I'm loving it!

I'm generally not a "group of friends" type of girl. I have a lot of friends, but they aren't friends with each other. I'm more one-on-one at a time. Of all my friends, obviously Bubba's Sis is the 'sister of my heart'. That's the best thing about my move to Texas.

Mom Knows Everything said...

I'm not going to get all religious here, but I think so many of us forget about God and how important it is. I help teach my daughter confirmation class every Thursday and I love being able to help teach these kids about God.

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

This looks wonderful - a must-read for me! I struggle with contentment sometimes...I'll be going along fine, all content with the world, then the itch starts....the itch of discontent....why is that?!?

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sharing info about our book with you readers! It's been so fun to read the stories and bond across the cyberwaves.
Lisa Bergren