Apr 10, 2008

Gen X Giveaway Time

*Yikes, I come back here tonight and re-read what I wrote here and OH.MY.GOODNESS! I read that third paragraph and am sooo embarrassed. I don't know what in the world I was typing when I wrote about Angela being accomplished. I couldn't expect you to figure out what that was code for, so just in case you came by and clicked out shaking your head and tsk tsk tsk-ing, what I wanted to say was that Angela is an accomplished writer herself. She's out of town, so she may not even read this for awhile, much to my relief. It's the direct result of the lack of sleep I've been getting lately. Tonight, another very late night, I'm afraid, so I need to get gone! Oh, wait...I finally got that third column up, but haven't got the standard template replaced. The digi blog template is still in limbo, too. Next time I should wait until I have enough time to do things properly. Sigh.

All things must come to an end, and sometimes that's a good thing. A very good thing! Especially when the end refers to the drawing for the two very amazing GenX books by Tricia Goyer. I don't have the GenX Parenting book, but because I devoured the marriage book and honestly enjoyed it thoroughly, I'm going to order my own copy this week.

However, one very lucky reader doesn't need to do that, she's going to receive BOTH books because her number was the eXtra-special number. I did the random number generator early in the morning but didn't get it posted...in fact I'm on a very old decrepit laptop as I type this, my computer is disconnected for a good part of today, so I'm sorry I can't even access my GenX photos quickly and I have an appointment soon, so trying right now isn't an option for me!

Okay, as the screenshot below indicates, Angelawd, YOU won! I'm very happy for her--Angela is an accomplished was much as I did. If you've got some time, consider heading over there and telling her hello, she's got a great enthusiasm for life, she's a mom of teens (I love that!) and very inspiring. Angela, I'll email you for your contact information and send that onto Tricia's publicist for you, congrats!

Thanks for your hellos--I'm very sorry I didn't get around yesterday much, I had to work. I'll check in later--but now I need to get ready for my guests--actually just Chuck my pastor and Ethan the youth pastor, we're working on a PowerPoint I'll tell you all about soon (be excited, I know!). And given who they are, I need to shower and shove things under couches, in behind closed doors, you know, typical special company stuff!

For those who are asking about that third column, I'm sorry I misled you there...it's actually a third column on my digi scrap site. I thought I'd start there...most of my hits there are only there to grab the freebie, they might never notice! Check it out if you can, I'd love your input!


Jenny86753oh9 said...

What?! Rita didn't win?? Shocker!!

D... said...

Congrats to Angela and WOW on your blog's new look. Spectacular job!