Apr 19, 2008

A Fun Meme..But Don't Stop There, No....Not One, But TWO Memes!

One of the sweetest gals in the blogosphere, Shana, tagged me for some memes! I haven't done one in eons, so I have to play.

Meme #1

Here are the rules...

1) Pick up the nearest book of at least 123 pages.
2) Open the book to page 123.
3) Find the 5th sentence.
4) Post the next 3 sentences.5) Tag 5 people.

Who sent two spies to Jericho? What epistle warns against people sent in to "spy out our liberty"? What rebel sent his spies throught Israel, telling them to wait till they heard the sound of the trumpet? What Canaanite city did spies find the entrance of?

I got my three sentences from The Complete Book of Bible Trivia by J. Stephen Lang.

Okay Meme # 2

The Rules:1) Link whom you tagged and list these rules on you blog.2) Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.3) Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving a comment on their blog.Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

7 facts about myself...

1. My 4th and 5th verterbrae are fused together.

2. I've never had a manicure (or a pedi for that matter) and I really could care less!

3. I saw Elton John in concert in the late 80s...my friends and I had lawn seats (meaning we sat on the grass, which may or may not be all we did with the grass--JenGi was probably there, I forget).

4. Pretty sure if my pastor does ever come around here, he won't love Number 3..and I might get a line or two pointed my way Sunday. If I go. Maybe I'm sick, idk, I don't feel so good.

5. I really am a natural brunette. No really!

6. I can sing "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" by heart--the only song I knew all the words to when my daughter was born. She cried. Everytime.

7. My sister Jamee, and neighbor Jamie and I had a Planet of the Apes song...it involved Pizza Hut and lots of yea yea yea's.

I'm going to tag seven people now, and this is for both memes:

1. Jami (she's my peak sister--we both have 'em)

2. Kim (because she's doing a giveaway and this will be good luck!)

3. D....(because her name is short, I can type it very quickly)

4. B/S (because she and D go together, like shing a ling a ling a ling a linga linga linga ding dang)

5. JenGi (because she'll slander me if I don't tag her everytime...I know! It's stunning, really.)

6. Sharon (because she ignores my tags and I like that elephant in the room for a few weeks)

7. Cathi (because I really want to know the 7 things about her)

8. Wendy (Is that eight? Oh well, grab a blue cocktail out of my case over there and it's all the same)


Sharon Sews said...

?!? What ?!? When did I ignore your tag? Hmph! I was probably busy doing really important volunteer work - or um, sewing something pink to bring along with me to MO - or, um, ....okay, okay I probably just forgot. I'm on it - after I do my volunteer gig today that is :-)

Misty DawnS said...

You crack me up! I'd love to hear your Planet of the Apes song... come on... you can't just tempt us with it and then not follow through ;-)
Luv ya

D... said...

LOL! I love your reason for tagging me! I'll get on it within the week, promise. Or maybe I shouldn't promise. ;)

I agree, I must hear the Planet of the Ape song. Must!

I've seen Elton John in concert too. However, I was with my mom.

D... said...

LOL! I love your reason for tagging me! I'll get on it within the week, promise. Or maybe I shouldn't promise. ;)

I agree, I must hear the Planet of the Ape song. Must!

I've seen Elton John in concert too. However, I was with my mom.

D... said...

Um, please delete this and the spare comment. It wasn't that great, it doesn't need to be read twice.

Thanks ever so much. :D

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

Gosh, D....getting a little carried away with the comments, are we? ;-)

I'll get on this right away, Stacey! Before D.. I'm sure.

Jenny86753oh9 said...

Slander, slander, slander...... ;-P

Wendy said...

Personally, I don't think your pastor should say much about #3. I mean, c'mon, it was the late 80s!

Oh geez, I graduated high school in the late 80s...I hate realizing how long ago that was!

Are you sure you're really brunette? ;)

Alright, no teasing, I go do this (even though I'm the eigth person you tagged and it shouldn't count!) Just don't be surprised at how boring and normal I am. Heh.

Cathi said...

Hey there Stacey girl!!
Thanks for the tag and...I did it!
We have a bit in common I think.