Mar 26, 2008

Family Easter Pictures...Finally!

Friday, John, Niki, Alex and I went to Good Friday Communion Service (Cody worked). I can't say it was uplifting, really, but I can say it was personal and meaningful. Our pastor asked, "What do you say to people on Good Friday?" I hadn't thought about it until then. I still don't know.

Saturday didn't start out terribly well for Cody--he went to work not feeling well and collapsed into a deep sleep when he got home Saturday night. We were just fixing to color eggs, so it was a bummer for Alex. He gets a kick out of all things his big brother and big sister join in him doing.

(he mumbled "Mom, turn off the camera...I know what you're doing" when I snuck this one in)

Sunday was Big Breakfast Sunday at church (love that!) so we got to spend time with our church family in worship.

They love the Christmas/Easter "half asleep and on the stairs waiting" photo. They do!

Alex and his cat, Jack, just before a healthy breakfast of Peeps chased down by some Snickers eggs.

Dinner this holiday was much different that the last two. Niki's presence at our table was so wonderful.

This would my my picture with the family (we didn't even try to mess with couldn't find the tripod).

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Donna. W said...

Don't you just hate when kids get big enough to object to having their pictures taken?

Jenny86753oh9 said...

Those are great, Stacey! One day they will love you for all your obnoxious picture taking...or maybe just admit you to one of those padded places.

Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

Um, please don't tell me that's white carpet under the table. And WHITE upholstered chairs... are you just posing these pics or did you really eat in this room??!

Stacey said...

Yes, Donna, I do! It makes them look just downright grumpy!

JenGi, padded room, you know that.

Mrs. C...I'm fixin to rip that carpet up this summer and put in something practical and patterned! It's a dirty white, lol.

D... said...

Aw, my heart is singing for you! Look at all the kids sitting around your table. Good times. From the looks of the pictures, ya'll had such a blessed Easter.

I don't think my kids would know what to do with me if I didn't have a camera in my hands.

Jim and Jami said...

Glad you had a wonderful Easter with you Beautiful Complete Family.....Love Ya Stacey

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

Blessings abound!! So happy for your family! I hope Cody is feeling better...

Misty DawnS said...

LOVE this post and I am so glad Nikki was there with you! You have such a beautiful family (that includes you!) Stacey! I just love the heck outta you guys.