Today was my good buddy John's 80th birthday. I go visit him in the nursing home often, he's one of the bright spots in my life. I love him as if he were my own family and I think by now he feels the same. I can't imagine abandoning him. His sister who is 82 takes great care of him and although it took awhile for her to trust me, I think she knows my motives are pure. We're friends now as well, and that was a slow process...her being comfortable with a 'stranger' walking into her brother's life and being such a big part of it.
The staff had a surprise party for him--the cook even made a Scooby Doo cake (he adores Scooby!--has the animals, wallpaper border, sheets, blankets) I think he enjoyed himself...Alex came along and Niki and Cody drove over after school to say hello. Here we are before enjoying some cake together:
Sep 27, 2007
I know no matter what this man will always be happy to see me, he loves me. And I'll be honest, there aren't a whole lot of people left in my life who feel that way about me.
We learned last night in our church study a little bit about humility, about being at the bottom and having nowhere to go but up and nothing but honesty to give. Would I ever give a lot to know I could go somewhere, bare all my faults, all my troubles, all my lies, all my anger and STILL be accepted. I don't mean God, because clearly He is the only person we can trust. I mean would be an amazing feeling to know a place like that existed. I'd definitely be first in line.
**What do you think of my pudgy digits? They look pretty funny...or scary, idk.
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4:33 PM
Labels: John's Birthday
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Awww, what a great friend you are. Someone should make you a cake too :-)
Stacey, you are such a sweet person. John is so blessed to count you as a friend!
You really are a great person, Stacey. What you do for John is priceless. He is so fortunate to have you in his life and I'm willing to bet you are too.
I know I have someone in my life(other than God)who accepts me no matter what. I bet you do too. It would be very nice if it could be a whole community, but I'll take what I can get. And I'm pretty blessed in that department.
Tomorrow is finally Friday! Enjoy it and your weekend, you non-pudgy digit person.
Happy Birthday John!!!
You're a great person Stacey!!!
Lala :o)
Y'all are too sweet to me and give me far too much credit--so now stop! I'm not a great person, trust me, it's all my pleasure. Mostly I feel fortunate that this little darling man loves me and trusts me completely. Childlike. We talked about that, too--when Jesus said we must be like a child to get into the kingdom. He's like that already.
I think that's so great that you take the time to visit him. I'm sure he really looks forward to it!
Happy Birthday John!
And I don't see anything wrong with your digits!
Happy Birthday John.God bless.
OHH He is the cutest thing! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN!!!!
Girl, I really thought our study was awesome, wouldn't it be great to have that! I know I would be first in line for that as well. you know I would be that for you!
Lova ya GF!!
So, we still bunkoing it tomorrow?
I've said it before and I'll say it again - you are a beautiful person, Stacey Girl, and I love your spirit. And your digits.
I am going to echo what everyone else said - you are such a sweet, honest person. What I wouldn't give to have you as my next door neighbor! Happy Birthday to John, what a special present he has in you.
Stacey.. you are so thoughtful and I agree to Bubba's sis, you are a beautiful person... inside out!
Come and visit my blog, I have something for you!
You know what I think about you and you should know that there isn't a thing you could say or do that would change my mind. Nothing. Period.
And your little sausage roll digits are dang cute. Besides I really didn't notice...I was too busy looking at your beautiful smile! Goofball!
Oh yeah....
Happy Birthday, John. (Psst, John. Don't look now, but there's a smilin' crazy lady on your arm. Just focus on the Scooby, Dude.)
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