Some of you know I'm homeschooling our son Alex this year. My posting isn't as frequent as it used to be because I'm schooling him in the morning until one or two in the afternoon then typing in the afternoon/evening. I very much love doing this with Alex, even though my brain function by this time is lacking...well...function.
I'm a note saver, I have oodles and oddles of notes my children have written over the years, albeit notes to Santa, the Easter Bunny, the mean old leprechan that evades our traps every year, notes proclaiming their love for either John or me, you name it. I've got a note for it. So midway into the first week of school, I must admit it was a bit discouraged when on two consecutive nights before bedtime, Alex placed these outside my bedroom door:

Love it! I think your Alex & my Bear would get along famously. He would so do something like that too. ;)
I'm glad you are loving your new role as homeschooling mom. Kudos to you! I know I wouldn't have the self-discipline for it.
I just ASSUMED you'd know that I always keep my cd in my purse, that way it always walks out the door when I walk out the door. So, you see, in case of fire, it's perfectly safe!
Make another wish cuz we just posted to each other at the same time AGAIN. It totally has to be granted now. ;)
I love the notes! One day our kids will thank us for being so amazing and sacrificial! In the present, humour helps when they don't see things our way!
You silly - my JameeForever CD is in my CAR where I listen to it while I drive! Plus the copy on my computer, which I get out of the fire. So of course I've got my Stacey Tunes with me!
Oh my, looks like it's going to be a long school year! *grin*
Ha! Love the notes. Maybe next time he should add the option of circling "both".
I will be looking for YOUR note next week. :)
LOL! Love the notes! I wish I had kept all of the ones I received from my two - I only have a precious few left. At least he left you "none" as an option to circle - he could have written 12:00 or 1:00!
LOL! That is hilarious! Circle one or the other, that was very thoughtful of Alex. That way you didn't have to write down a long explanation! Great post! Loce your site Stacey!
HA HA!!! What a clever child! :-)
Happy WW!
Mine is up at Tricotine
That's hilarious! Yesterday Harrison told everyone who asked, that his day was horrible and his new teacher was awful - hey that's me!!
LOL Well, all I can say is at least He Writes! I have to beg my son to write ANything! lol
hee, I love it...Oldman doesn't write notes...maybe I'll have to encourage him a bit, huh?
This is so adorable! I LOVE the "Circle One" part! You must be a tough teacher ;-)
Ha! These are great! How sweet is "circle one". I love it.
I could share a few of the notes I've intercepted this week, but they aren't the most appropriate--though they would make you appreciate the innocence of Alex's notes!
The girls now use spiral notebooks that they pass back and forth. I intercepted three this week. A full week's of conversations were in there. One of the entries read, "This teacher has hairy arm pits!" I knew it wasn't me, having made sure to shave my legs and pits every day, so when I returned the notebook to one of the girls, I asked her which teacher had the hairy pits. She was mortified that I'd read the entire spiral! Of course I read it, I told her. That's why you get sneeky about passing them. I never had a note intercepted.
By the way, I have a box full of the ones Carol and I passed. I think you might have been part of one of the longer ones that made their way around...would make your eye brows curl if you read them now!
Love ya
This is so funny! I like the circle yes or no! You gotta give him an A for creative thinking!!!
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