Jul 24, 2007

I Was A Terrible Friend

I said something last night in a letter that made my best friend cry. I didn't mean it to, but I also didn't think how my words might be taken.

So.....I've never done this before, I know it's probably not "blog cool" but I don't care. She's far and above my best friend, I'd rather be an unpopular blogger than not be honest. I need to remember this forever...and know that the eyes that read my words far and above outweigh the words they read.And cannot end the post without this, our favorite quote, and it is very very true: You don't suck the life right out of me, Kelly! (don't you hate inside jokes?!)

*I'm going up Monday to put flowers on Jamee's grave, it's been five years Monday. I hope all will be back to normal and I will have pictures at Dunkin Donuts of us to share. And darnnit, Kel, everytime I post a photo of us I'm wearing my crap bra--I need to remember these things!


Anonymous said...

Don't you hate it when something comes out that you didn't *mean* *like* *THAT*. *hugs*

Cat said...

I have been there and done that! ((hugs)) Tell Kelly Hi for me, and have a donut and coffee from DD for me also!!!!


Girl Gone Wild - BibleStyle said...

I'm so sorry Gidge....that truly sucks...I'm sure we've all been there, done that. Hugs for you. Also, I'll be sending some special prayers up for you on Monday.

Anonymous said...

{{hugs}} The written word is so hard. Tones, meanings, etc often get lost in the typed word. And, before you know it, you can type something that you totally didn't mean to or that you didn't realize would be taken a different way.

You aren't a terrible friend. I hope things are better now.

I will definitely be thinking of you Monday. I hope you feel all the love and prayers.

Jenny said...

I'll be thinking about you Monday...

Anonymous said...

well you are a really good friend it sounds to apologize in "public" You sound like a really genuine person. Have a great rest of the week.

Misty DawnS said...

You have done a special thing here. You have to remember though - that the truly best friendships go through things like this - misunderstandings, arguments, hurt feelings, etc, etc. My best friend and I have been best friends since 4th grade - and we have been through it ALL, the good times, the bad times and everything in between. Your friendship will overcome this misunderstanding!

You will be in my heart and thoughts on Monday. My heart is sore right now. As five years ago today, my grandfather passed away (the one who raised me). So, I am with you in support!

FAQ said...

Stacey, your so sweet. I'm sure "this too shall pass". Friends are cool like that. I will also be thinking of you Monday. Hugs