Nov 15, 2007

All Good Here

Thanks to all my wonderful, sweet, caring friends who worried about me when I wrote this. I found a little pill in my cabinet left over from last year TO THE DATE's hysterectomy and got into bed. Not overlooking that irony, I climbed into bed and slept. Until 9 am (school is late, but that's the beauty of home school).

I'd scheduled an appointment for this morning at 11:30, but my arm feels so much better with the help of a good little narcotic night's rest, I cancelled. I'm pretty sure it's just a jammed and it'll be fine with a little rest. Oddly enough, typing doesn't bother me (and I type for a living, so I dodged a big bullet!).


It might gross you out, tell me if this makes you sick:

That looks worse that it is--that's where I fell on the elbow. Oddly enough, it's the picture below that hurts most--that'd be my right arms where I fell on my wrist. I don't know if you can tell from this or not, but I can't straighten it out all the way yet. I tell you, once I hit 39, it's all been downhill from there!
I heard from many of you, some emails, some posts, and what I hear loud and clear is this: we recognize this weakness in us--the weakness being not appearing to be weak. And I have made a great deal of caring unselfish friends, for which I am beyond grateful for. I got curious and went searching, and came across this:

Jeremiah 17:5 This is what the LORD says: "Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the LORD.

I'll probably jump up again if I ever fell (still not claiming my fall) and scan the vicinity. I'll probably be reluctant to ask my friends for help if I fail, or even let them know of my failure. And I likely will try to fix it myself and not hand it over to God. For me, it'll be a realization...then I'll ask. I'm hard-headed like that!

Don't over on the side, the poll to name our Christmas decorating contest goes on until Friday night. I did mention the big winner will be a big winner, didn't I? I'd better open school...keeping my day as on track as possible so I can get those shirts in the mail! The photos are gonna be too funny!


Memarie Lane said...

So... it wasn't hypothetical? ;)

Misty DawnS said...

I'm so glad to hear that your arm would be feeling better... if, in fact, you would have fallen on the road during your walk yesterday.

I'm making some similar 'admitting I need some help' realizations right now and handing some of it over to work out how it is intended to be (did that make a bit of sense???)

As always - Love ya Stacey!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're OK! Loved the illustration, by the way LOL

Anonymous said...

Ouch that looks painful! Hope you're feeling better!

Girl Gone Wild - BibleStyle said...

Ah, Gidge...sure hope you aren't coming down with what's going around. It's nasty.

I wrote a comment earlier but it didn't take for some reason. Every time I'm on my mum's computer it never works.

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

Glad you are OK. Aren't drugs great?! No no - not THOSE kind of drugs. The good kind! Better living through modern chemistry. I'm all about a little prescription pain relief. When needed, of course. Great. Now you think I'm a druggie.

Anonymous said...

A huge OUCH!!!! I am glad you had a pill left over, cause it looks like it would have been hard to sleep on that arm. It looks so sore. I hope after a good nights sleep, you are feeling better. You need to listen to your body and take care of yourself. You tend to get a wee bit over extended my dear friend, and it catches up with you.
Feel better and rest up. Lots of celebrations coming up.
Love ya!

Trinity said...

OW! Stacey!! That's bad!! Oh I feel bad I ask you for help in your condition like this! :-(( I am sooo sorry!

Girl Gone Wild - BibleStyle said...

Hey...did you find more pills? Are ya dead? I miss ya, man...

D... said...

But, if it's not getting any better, you WILL have it checked out, right? Right???? I hope you felt much better today. Those pictures made me say Ouch out loud. Poor you.

Misty DawnS said...

YeeeeeeeeOwwwwwch Stacey!!! Make sure that John kisses it to make it feel better and pampers you lots!

Anonymous said...

I'm kissing those boo boo's ((smooch)) Hope they heal really soon!

Unknown said...

I think we're probably all a little hard-headed like that!